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Wednesday's Meetings
Naji Naaman's Literary and Cultural Salon
(Salon Naji Naaman Al-Adabiy Ath-Thaqafiy)
Launched in 2007, Liqa’ul-Arba’a is a monthly literary and cultural salon held every third Wednesday of each month during wintertime (from November to April) in the premises of Maison Naaman pour la Culture. (in 40 versions).complete literary books.literary and targeted prizes.wednesdays' meetings.other cultural us.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Meeting with Antoine Maalouf, academic, writer and playwright, about his life and his works. Speakers were: Naji Naaman, Abdallah Naaman, Michel Ki’di, Yussuf Eid, George Mghames, as well as the guest after a poem of Ziad Zibian was recited. On the occasion, Elias Khalil also recited Zajal (Lebanese poetry). In the program too: debates and free distribution of the latest books published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture within the reception.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Meeting with Victor El-Kik, erudite and academic, about his life and his works. Speakers were: Naji Naaman, Salim As-Sayegh, Nour Salman, Mouhammad Ali Farchoukh, Joseph Chreim, Joseph Maqsoud, as well as the guest after a poem of Ziad Zibian was recited. In the program too: debates and free distribution of the latest books published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture within the reception.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Meeting with Rafiq Rouhana, poet, journalist and culture promoter, about his life and his works. Speakers were: Naji Naaman, Michel Ki’di, Elias Zgheib, Magida Dagher, as well as the guest after a poem of Ziad Zibian was recited. On the occasion, Elias Khalil also recited Zajal (Lebanese poetry). In the program too: debates and free distribution of the latest books published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture within the reception.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Meeting with Suhayl Matar, writer, poet and academic, about his life and his works. Speakers were: Naji Naaman, Michel Ki’di, May Menassa, Elham Kallab El-Bsat, as well as the guest after a poem of Ziad Zibian was recited. On the occasion, Elias Khalil also recited Zajal (Lebanese poetry). In the program too: debates and free distribution of the latest books published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture within the reception.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Meeting with Salah Tizani, well known comedian, about his life and his achievements. Speakers were: Naji Naaman, Jean Qassis, Ali Abou Isber, Michel Ki’di, as well as the guest after a poem of Ziad Zibian was recited. In the program too: debates and free distribution of the latest books published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture within the reception.
Antoine Maalouf and Naji Naaman
\Victor El-Kik and Naji Naaman
Rafiq Rouhana and Naji Naaman
Suhayl Matar and Naji Naaman
free and open culture makes peace
Copyright © NajiNaaman - All rights reserved
Salah Tizani and Naji Naaman
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Meeting with Antoine Saadeh, poet, about his life and his achievements. Speakers were: Naji Naaman, Michel Ki’di, Ibrahim Shahrur, Elias Khalil, as well as the guest after a poem of Ziad Zibian was recited. Elias Khalil challenged the guest and a Zajal (Lebanese poetry) competition took place between both men. In the program too: debates and free distribution of the latest books published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture within the reception.