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Carmen El-Hajj laureate of the Outstanding Literary Prize Naji Naaman
Carmen El-Hajj, Lebanese poetess, was granted the Outstanding Literary Prize Naji Naaman at the premises of Maison Naaman pour la Culture for her book entitled “L”. This is the first time that a published literary work is recompensed by a Naji Naaman literary prize.
Naji Naaman and Carmen El-Hajj
Dr. Hussein Yatim in visit to MNAC
Dr. Hussein Yatim, ex-deputy of Beirut, President of the Educational Arab Institute establishments, visited Mr. Naji Naaman, owner of Maison Naaman pour la Culture, who related to him his gratis cultural activities. Yatim and Naaman exchanged gifts and books.
Naji Naaman and Hussein Yatim
Jean Kmeid honored,
and "Siyahatun ma’al ‘Udaba’ wach-Chu’ara’ wal Fannanine"
distributed free of charge to the public
Within the «Wednesday’s meetings», Naji Naaman received the writer, poet, journalist and critic Jean Kmeid, as the tenth guest of his literary and cultural salon.
Introduced by Doctor Michel Ki’di, as by Sheikh Juan Hbeich, president of the municipal council of Jounieh, the guest of Mr. Naaman related his most intimate souvenirs with the famous figures of the contemporary Arabic literature, before responding to the questions of the public.
Mr. Naaman gave his guest a certificate, then the public shared a cocktail and the volume of Mr. Kmeid, entitled « Siyahatun ma’al Udaba’ wach-Chu’ara’ wal Fannanine», was distributed for free to all participants, as well as the last published books of Maison Naaman pour la Culture.
Was present: MM/ Melhem Karam, Ibrahim Abdo El-Khoury (Representing Mr. Muhammad Baalbaki), Imad Al-Amine and his spouse Salwa Al-Khalil Al-Amine, Isber Zouein; Fathers/ Suhail Kacha, Abdo Antoun, Simaan Bteich, and Wassim Abi Eprem; Professor Georges Torbey; Doctors/ Mounif Moussa, Suhayl Matar, Anis Moussallem, Mansour Eid, Charles Rizkallah, Badih Abou Jaoudeh, Paul Achkar and Jamil Jabre (and his spouse Jacqueline); Poets and writers/ Joseph Abi Daher, Antoine Raad, Joseph Sadek, Antoine Khoueiry, Iskandar Dagher, Jean Salmé, Georges Méghamés, Elie Maroun Khalil, Georges Abou Chabké; Painters/ Zohrab Kechichian, and the two brothers Chawki and Wajdi Abi Hanna; Attorneys/ Chawki Kazan, Naji Audi, Elie Abi Akl; MM/ Elias Aoun, Philippe Al-Haibi, Joseph Massihi, Wakim Bou Lahdou, Toni Chédérévian…

Naji Naaman receiving a delegation from the University of Auvergne
Naji Naaman received a delegation from the faculty of law at the University of Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand – France), i.e.: Oriane Cuasante, Marie Grégoire, Audrey Audusseau, Charlène Jouve and Nicolas Gounot. During a two hours’ meeting, Mr. Naaman answered questions about culture, sociology and politics.
Naji Naaman and the students
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free and open culture makes peace
Yusuf Nasser laureate of the Outstanding Literary Prize Naji Naaman
Yusuf Naaman Nasser, Palestinian writer, was granted the Outstanding Literary Prize Naji Naaman for his meritorious book entitled “Waraq wa Rahiq”. This is the third time that a published literary work is recompensed by a Naji Naaman literary prize.
Riyadh Hallaq honored in Syria
Riyadh ‘Abdullah Yorgi Hallaq, Syrian poet and writer, laureate of Mitri Naaman’s Prize for the defense and the advance of the Arabic language (2009), and honorary member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture, was honored in Aleppo (Syria) by the Directorate of Culture. Speeches were given by the Syrian minister of culture Riyadh Na’san Agha, Sheikh Ahmad Badrud-dine Hassoun (Mufti of the Republic), Bishop Youhanna Ibrahim, Kayed Hashim (Jordan), Issam Karam (Lebanon), and George Yusuf Chidiac (Venezuela).
Samir Farhat laureate of the Outstanding Literary Prize Naji Naaman
Samir Farhat, Lebanese author and journalist, was granted the Outstanding Literary Prize Naji Naaman for his series entitled “Khafaya”. This is the second time that a published literary work is recompensed by a Naji Naaman literary prize. Mr. Farhat received his prize at the premises of Maison Naaman pour la Culture on June 14.
Marwan Ad-Dulaymi honored in Arbil
Marwan Yassin Ad-Dulaymi, Iraqi poet and director, was honored in Arbil (Kurdistan – Iraq) for having got one of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prizes for 2010 (creativity prize).
Passing away of Saliha Rahouti
Naji Naaman receives Ahmad Abu Slim, Salah Abu Lawi and Hayfa’ Zu’aytir
Naji Naaman received the Jordanian poets Ahmad Abu Slim and Salah Abu Lawi, together with the Lebanese journalist Hayfa’ Zu’aytir. During a three hours’ meeting, cultural matters and problems were discussed.
Haytham Bahnam Burda, Iraqi short-story writer, and laureate of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (honor prize, 2006), was elected as representative of the Syriacs within the Association of Iraqi Writers and Authors. Mr. Burda will be honored at the University of Mossul in April 26. His last book is about the short short-stories in Iraq.
Saliha Rahouti, Moroccan physician and short-story writer, laureate of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (Merit prize, 2006), published in 2007 by Maison Naaman pour la Culture and honorary member of the said Maison, passed away. Mrs. Rahouti was born in 1961!
Naji Naaman & Samir Farhat
Marwan Ad-Dulaymi honored
Haifa’ Zu’aytir, Salah Abu Lawi, Naji naaman & Ahmad Abu Slim
«Ilhamatur-Ruh» at Bethania
Jacqueline Chémali dedicated her last new-born «Ilhamatur-Ruh», published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture, at Bethania (Harissa). Paintings signed by Mrs. Chémali were exposed in the same time.
Kilzi and Vroman at the MNAC and the Stankovitch cup
Naji Naaman received George Kilzi, director of the Lebanese national team of basket-ball, and Jackson Brett Vroman, one of the major players of the team. It is to be notified that the national team won, in August 15, the Stankovitch cup, before participating to the world championship (for the third time) in Turkey.
George Kilzi, Naji Naaman and Jackson Brett Vroman
Letter from Patriarch Theophilos III to Naji Naaman
Naji Naaman received from His Beatitude Theophilos III, greek orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem, via his spokesman Father ‘Issa Musleh, a letter where the patriarch thanks Mr. Naaman for having given his outstanding literary prize to Mr. Yusuf Nasser (see June 15, 2010).
His Beatitude Patriarch Théophilos III and the letter
«Yoga fi Hadhrati ‘Achtar» at the l’UNESCO
«Yoga fi Hadhrati ‘Achtar», prizewinning work of Angélique Bacha’s prize for the consolidation of family ties, was the main subject at the UNESCO in Beirut. Bilal Charara, Naji Naaman, Michel Ki’idi, Hadi Hamza and Ghassan Matar told their point of view about the literary work; then Mr. Naaman gave Mahdi Mansour, the author, his prize.
The event was presented by Sultan Nasirud-Dine. «Yogha fi Hadhrati ‘Achtar» was signed and given as a gift, new releases of MNAC were distributed for free.
Ziad Baroud and the latest volumes of Naji Naaman
Naji Naaman received from Mr. Ziad Baroud, Lebanese minister of the interior and municipalities, a letter relating his own point of view about the latest volumes of Mr. Naaman, i.e.: «‘Umrun Adaban» (complete literary works) and «An-Najiyyat» (selected pieces in 40 languages).
Ziad Baroud and his letter
Dr. Emile Kaba in visit to MNAC
Dr. Emile Kaba, one of the biggest defenders of the Arabic language, visited Mr. Naji Naaman. Literary matters were discussed.
Naji Naaman and Emile Kaba
Laureates of Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Naji Naaman prizes
Laureates of the Algerian president Abdelaziz Bouteflika prizes (Hamida Miloud and Touati Abdelaziz) and Naji Naaman’s prizes (Muhammad Al-Bachiq Balghith and Yussuf Al-Baz Balghith) were honored at Dar Ath-Thaqafa (Djelfa – Algeria).
The Radoje Domanovic prize given to Valeriu Butulescu
Valeriu Butulescu, Romanian aphorist and politician, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (honor prize, 2006), received in Belgrad the Radoje Domanovic prize for being «the best foreign satiric writer published in Serbia».
Diane Descôteaux signs and publishes
Diane Descôteaux, Canadian classic and haïku poetess, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (honor prize, 2009), signs «L’heure du thé» at the Salon du Livre of Montréal, and announces the title of her latest bilingual book, «Haïti pour toujours - Ayiti pou toutan», published in French and créole (Editions Choucoune, Port-au-Prince, Haïti).