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“Socrate” International Prize to Aziz Al Haddadi
The "Socrate" International Prize for philosophy has been given this year to the Moroccan Professor Aziz El Haddadi, for his book entitled "Dans quelques instants, Socrate arrive...". Aziz El Haddadi’s book (Editions Post-Modernité), was granted in 2004 one of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prizes (Merit Prize, out of competition), for retracing the thoughts of the great philosopher Socrate.
Professor Aziz El Haddadi, Ph.D. in philosophy, is the president of "L'Association des Amis de la Philosophie" in Fes. He published several books, mainly: "Le portrait d'Averroès dans les écritures arabe et européenne", "La République des génies", "L'homme dans l'hospitalité de l'être" and "La philosophie et la folie de la vision". The "Socrate" Prize is given each year to the most prestigious literary and philosophical writings by the International Centre for Philosophy (Cambridge University – Great Britain).

In a great ceremony that took place at the grand saloon of Al-Haraka Ath-Thaqafiyya in Antélias, two new books by Raymond Azar and one volume about his poetry (written by Michel Ki’di), all published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture, were distributed for free to some 900 people. Speeches were given by former Minister and PM Edmond Rizk, former minister and president of Beirut Bar Association ‘Issam Al-Khoury, Mitri Boulos, Elias Al-Hajj and Ghalib Ghanim, president of the Higher Jurisdiction Council.
Diane Descôteaux ambassador
Diane Descôteaux, Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize 2009 (Honor Prize for complete works), was designed “Ambassador [of literature] of Centre-du-Québec [abroad]”.
Dedication of “Lidamina ‘Ushbun Jadid”
In a ceremony that took place at the Lebanese Press Syndicate in Beirut, a new book by Sana’ Ghanaoui entitled “Lidamina ‘Ushbun Jadid”, with preliminaries by former Lebanese prime minister Salim Al-Hoss, was presented by Muhammad Al-Baalbaki, Toni Daou, Salman Nazzal and Michel Ki’di, then dedicated by the poetess.
History of Arabs in Khouzistan
‘Abdun-Nabi Al-Qayyim, Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize 2008 (Merit Prize) published a 512 pages volume about the history of Arabs in Khouzistan (Iran).
Valeriu Butulescu, Naji Naaman's Literary Prize 2006 (Honor prize for complete works)
received the award of the best comedy 2009 in Romania for his play entitled
“Women’s Island”.
“Halate: Safahatun minat-Tarikh wal-'A'ilat”
In a ceremony that took place on February 28, 2009 at Saint George theater (Halate) the book of Jalal Charbel entitled “Halate: History and Families”, preliminaries by Naji Naaman and introduction by Charles Bassil, was presented and dedicated, then distributed free of charge; and the public shared a cocktail.
Dedication of "Paroles Eprises"
A dedication meeting of the book entitled "Paroles Eprises", poems written by Marie-Josée Rizkallah (from Lebanon), illustrated by Gaëtan Vergne (from France), and published by Maison Naaman pour la Culture, was held Friday 13, 2009 at "la Salle des Congrès" of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK - Lebanon). A two voices reading took place, as well as a reception in honor of the said dedication.
Joseph Yacoub Boghos
Commander of Saint Gregory the Great Order
"Mardin 1915" distributed free of charge to the public
Awraquz-Zamanid-Da’ir by Salah Salah
Salah Salah, Iraqi novelist living in Canada and laureate of one of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prizes for 2007 (Creativity prize), has published in Beirut his new roman entitled Awraquz-Zamanid-Da’ir.

In a ceremony that took place on Saturday January 31, 2009 at the "Grand Ballroom" of the Phoenicia Intercontinental hotel in Beirut, Mr Joseph Yacoub Boghos received from His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX, Catholicos Patriarch of Cilicy for Armenians Catholics, the pontifical insignia of Commander of Saint Gregory the Great Order.
At the program a papal decree and interventions by His Béatitude the Patriarch, Mr Boghos and Madam Latifa Arnouq, translator of the Arabic version of "Mardin 1915, Anatomie Pathologique d'une destruction" written by the historian Yves Ternon, newly published within the publications of Maison Naaman pour la Culture (432 pages, big size) thanks to Mr. Naji Naaman, with an introduction of Monsignor Georges Yeghéyian, and preliminaries by Joseph Boghos.
Being presented within the meeting, the book was distributed to the public free of charge, then the public shared a cocktail.
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Monsignor Boutros Al-Mu’allim in visit to MNAC
His Excellency Bishop Boutros Al-Mu’allim visited Mr. Naji Naaman. Souvenirs and literary matters were related and discussed.
Monsignor Boutros Mu’allim and Naji Naaman