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Samira Kadiri honored once again
Samira Kadiri, Moroccan soprano, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (honor prize, 2011), and Extraordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture by the FGC, has been once again honored, and this time by Hunayna Association for Culture, Art, Sport and Development in Rabat (Morocco).
Sami Abou Kheir and Angélique Bacha’s painting
Sami Abou Kheir, Lebanese painter of celebrities, visited MNAC and FGC in order to deliver Angélique Bacha’s painting to Mr. Naji Naaman.
Ahmad ad-Demnati pubishes «Tadrib Al-Bayadh ‘alal-Khiyana»
Ahmad ad-Demnati, Moroccon poet, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (merit prize, 2005), just published a new collection of poetry entitled «Tadrib Al-Bayadh ‘alal-Khiyana».
Ahmad Al-‘Alawina in visit to MNAC and FGC
Ahmad Al-‘Alawina, Jordanian writer, visited MNAC and FGC, and discussed cultural and literary matters with Mr. Naji Naaman.
Henry Beissel signs «Seasons of Blood» in Canada
Henry Beissel, Canadian poet, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (creativity prize, 2008), just signed «Seasons of Blood», published by BuschekBooks, Ottawa, 2011. Beissel published another book in the same year: «Coming to Terms
with a Child», Black Moss Press, Widsor.
Ibrahim Ad-Doussary
Extraordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture
Ibrahim Ad-Doussary, Bahraini short-story writer and singer, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (merit prize, 2008), is appointed Extraordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture by the FGC.
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Mohamed Rabie Extraordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture
Mohamed Rabie, Palestinian writer and Professor, bearer of Naji Naaman’s literary prize (honor prize, 2009), is appointed Extraordinary Ambassador for Gratis Culture by FGC.

The centenary of Mitri Naaman, poet and writer (1912-2012), has been celebrated at the premises of Maison Naaman pour la Culture (MNAC) and Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture (FGC). Speeches were given by Monsignor Georges Yéghyéyian, Professor Mounif Moussa, Novelist Georges Chami, Madam Souad Naaman Al-Qareh, Master printer Chaker Ach-Chémali, Iraqi Erudite Suhayl Qacha, Doctor Anis Moussallem, Lawyer Hanane Naaman, Doctor Emile Kaba, Syrian Poet Riad Hallaq, Writer Georges Mghamés and Naji Naaman.
Elias Khalil, Emir of zajal (Lebanese poetry) presented the speakers. Once the meeting was over, the Library of Complete Collections & Works and Mitri & Angélique Naaman’s Commemorative Room have been inaugurated. During the reception free of charge books from the publishing house and the foundation have been distributed, including three books about Mitri Naaman, i.e.: «Mitri Naaman: the Man and the Works», by Michel Ki’di; «Mitri Naaman: Readings and Testimonies» (team work), and «With Mitri and Angélique», by Naji Naaman.
For further information and photos, click here.
Father Samer Naaman signs his book
At the Paulist Convent in Jounieh, Father Samer Naaman signed his two volumes book entitled «Ar-Rafiqu fit-Tanchi’atil-Massihiyya». After speeches given by Naji Naaman, Michel Ki’di, Father Elias Aghya, Bishop Cyril Salim Bustros and Father Naaman, the book was signed by the author, and the book of Naji Naaman entitled «Christians, Bread and Wine of the Levant» was distributed for free.
To read the speech of Naji Naaman, click here.
Father Nidhal Jabali signs his book
At the Saint-Sauveur Convent – Shaylé, Father Nidhal Jabali signed his book entitled «Salatul-Qalbi ‘Atabatul-Muchahada». After speeches given by Michel Ki’di, Bishop Issam Yuhanna Darwish and Father Jabali, Naji Naaman gave the author an honor certificate. A cocktail was offered as well as free of charge books by MNAC and FGC.
Randa Khattar signs for the second time
Discussion of Wahib Nadim Wehbeh’s «Mafatihus-Sama’»
Was discussed, at Asfia Al-Karmel (Palestine), the book of Wahib Nadim Wehbeh (Archbishop Nicolas Naaman’ prize for human virtues, 2012), published and distributed free of charge by Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture. Speeches were given by: Ruchdi Al-Madhi, Nayef Khouri, Amale ‘Awwad Radhwan, Fatima Diab and Fahim Abu Rukn. Amale ‘Awwad Radhwan pronounced the speech of Naji Naaman.
Click here to read Naji Naaman’s speech.
Michel Ki’di, man of letters and vice-president of Naji Naaman’s Foundation for Gratis Culture, was honored at the Middle East College – Sabtieh, were speeches were given and several certificates were granted. MNAC and FCG distributed their newest published books to the audience.
Akila Rabhi in the Algerian Parliament
Akila Rabhi, Algerian novelist and journalist, bearer of Naji Naaman’s Literary Prize (prize of creativity, 2008), is now member of the Algerian Parliament!
Zafer Al-Hassan in visit to MNAC and FGC
Zafer Al-Hassan, former Lebanese Ambassador and man of letters, visited MNAC and FCG, and offered the first four volumes of the Lebanese Diplomacy Encyclopedia to Naji Naaman who put the said volumes in the Library of Series and Complete Works which shall be inaugurated on October 26, 2012 within the centenary of Mitri Naaman (1912-2012).
Fares Eid in visit to MNAC and FGC
Fares Eid, professor of physics and writer, visited MNAC and FGC. Was discussed the publishing of a fourth book of his.
Hassan Jouni in visit to MNAC and FGC
Hassan Jouni, outstanding Lebanese painter, visited MNAC and FCG, and offered a painting to Naji Naaman.